Toprak Can Adıgüzel
We have collected for you a full report about him and everything you want about this distinguished actor, what is his nationality,
Toprak Can Adıgüzel religion, current age, astrological sign, academic qualifications family life.
Toprak Can Adıgüzel wife , religion, nationality and more
Birthdate: January 26, 1992
Age 2021: 29 years
Place of birth: Ankara – Turkey
Nationality: Turkish
Religion: unknown.
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 79 kg.
Academic Qualification: Graduated from Istanbul University
Profession: Turkish actor
The beginning of his artistic career: 2017 – until now.
Favorite Hobbies: Traveling, Photography
Toprak Can Adıgüzel wife
It is not known whether he has a girlfriend or not, who is at the forefront with his career rather than his private life.
Actor Toprak Can Adıgüzel, his life and his studies
in wikipedia : Actor Toprak Jan Adeguzel is a Turkish actor born in 1992 in Izmir, Turkey. He lived and grew up with his family in Izmir.
but he loved art and acting since his childhood and in high school he started playing and interested in music and participated in a number of school theatrical performances by playing and not In acting.
Toprak Can Adıgüzel and his career
Toprak is a rising Turkish actor who started his first artistic steps after graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts in a year.
began participating in a number of different theatrical performances as an actor on the Feuerbach Theater in Turkey.
because his artistic beginning was by standing on the stage of the most difficult types of art and acting.
so he became a capable and professional artist, which attracted great attention.
the producers and directors nominated him to participate in other artistic works.
The actor Toprak appeared on the screen for the first time in 2019 through his participation in the Turkish series Woman.
Upcoming artworks by Toprak Can Adıgüzel
The series Jarh al-Qalb: The young actor Toprak is co-starring in the new Turkish series Jarh al-Qalb, which is scheduled to be shown in mid-summer of 2021 on Turkish screens.
The series Jarh al-Qalb is produced by Sürç Film and the script is written by Sima Ali Erol, Mahir Erol and Ozgül Turkoller.
Akkad, a group of artists, including Jokhan Alkan, Zahra Yilmaz, Yamur Nater Yusifsin. Elhan Sen. Punca Shahinyash, Reza Akin, Kemal Burak and others, are participating in the series.
Touching love story that combines a beautiful girl and an ambitious young man. Ferit and Aisha, and they belong to two of the largest and most famous families in Antakya.
But there is a great and difficult struggle Between the elders of these families to which they belong. this conflict and the great problems between them are impossible to solve.
Actor Toprak Can Adıgüzel in Flame series
Turkish actor Toprak Jan Adeguzel participated in the series “The Flame” with a large group of artists.
including Dylan Şişk Deniz – Demet Afjar – Berker Guven – Hazar Ergoclu – Jim Bender.
Fatih Cetin Tash – Cihangir Cihan – Arjun Mitin – Jim Surgit – Yigit Sart Demir – Qadri Kantar and others.
The series is produced by the Moon Company “AY Yapim” and the script is “Ahmet Katıksız.
The story of the Flame series is taken from the story of a French series entitled Le Bazar de la Charité and tells about 3 girls.
Dylan and Shechik “Hazar Ergoclu” and Cemre “Demit Afjar”. Each of them has her own life, personality and life other than the other.
The actor Toprak Can Adıgüzel and the series Woman
A woman series is a Turkish series called (Kadin) written by Handy Al-Taili and directed by Merv Jiren and Nadim Gouj.
The story of a woman series revolves around a woman named Bahar who is exposed in her life to many problems and difficulties. She raises them alone, and one day she meets a man named Sarb.